Wednesday, January 26, 2011

So long...

     I think it's going to be my last post. It's been 3 weeks since the beginning of the camp and the time passed quickly. I really enjoyed this camp, and I really would like to come back. Especially I liked blogging. It's cool. I might keep'em blogging but I'm not sure. I learned lots in this camp, for example, how to do a presentation good, how to stay up alive with other people, how to study well by myself, and how to sleep with smile on :) . ( Ask 23 class mates or Mr. Urban.)
 Well it will be nice to go back home, but I will really miss here. I hope you guys to come back here and make a nice memory. Maybe, I can see you if we are lucky. SO LONG everyone and have a good life.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Presentation - King Ferdinand.

     Hello ladies and gentlemen. I'm Kevin Jung from the class 23. Today I'm here to talk about King Ferdinand. First of all I will tell you about his life untill he dies, and next, I will tell you his weakness and speciallity. After that, I will compare him with his son King Alfonso. For the last, I will tell you my oppinon about him.

     According to an article called "Kingdom of Castille" from Wikipidea, King Ferdinand was one of the king in Castille when Sancho III appointed his younger son Ferinand as aking of the country. He ruled his country very well, untill he became an old man and when moors, the other name of muslims attacked his country. It's around the time when El Cid captures muslim noblemen and stops enemies. But sadly King Ferdinand passes out few month later.

     This summery was based on King Ferdinand 's life, I couldn't find any sepecefic infromation what happened or what he has done from him becoming a king untill the muslims attacks on internet and the movie we watched.

     So however I will talk about his main weakness and strengh as I said before.

     According to the movie "El Cid", you can see that he hates muslim when he kicks out the muslims who helped them. I think it's good to apperciate what the other people think. MR.Urban told us that, that time you shoul have choosed only one god and people belived that only the god they belived exist. I can see that he could've been the most interesting King if he connected the both religion into one. This was the only major problme he had, now it's time to tell you about his strenth. 

     His strenth is that he is quite in the mobie but also strong. That's why no one could've dragged him out of the throne even though lots of country had troubles with the throne of the king in 10th centery. I like his personality, because I think that's what the leader should've been.

     We tlaked about the main weakness and strenght he had.

     I think it's time for me to compare King Ferdinad with his Son Alfonso.

     King Ferdinand was honest, according to kingdom of castille, but King Alfonso even killed his brother jsut because prince Sancho was blocking his way. Also, King Alfonso lied upon the god, and it was the cetry when people thought they would go hell if they lie upon the god. King Ferdinand had a skill protecting his country but Alfonso needed El Cid's help.

     Lastly I will tell you what I think about him(King Ferdinand)At first when I choosed him, I didn't know any thing about this guy but afther the reaserch I learned lots of information, like his weakness and strenth. But I still really want to find more information about hime if I could. He was the most quite and interesting King ever. Thank you.   

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Highrise Tola

     Today I'm here to compare me and a guy called Tola who lives Phnom Penh. Before I start comparing, I will tell you information about Tola and after that, I will tell you my life. 

     I fist found him in a website called highrise. There are 12 people with diffrent story, so if you want to hear their lifestyle, you might want to go Highrise

     He is a worker who builds highrise building. He lives at the house that he is building, until the buyer comes. He said he feels bad for himself not studying. He couldn't study because he house was poor that he had to work even he was young. Also, he said he looked outside when it's time for some break. In the building he can see lots of people. He can see teenagers riding motorcycle. He likes looking at the old style of traditional house roof. He says he is proud of his job, but he said it's hard to live with the other workers because of different thoughts.

     So, it was based on Tola's life. Now, what I should do is to explain MY Life, to let you understand how the story goes.

     My name is Kevin Jung and I live in an apartment near by Sung Nam. All I can see is apartment blocking the view and no trees. Sometimes you can see some kids playing around the playground but these days, they usually play inside so, it feels really lonely outside. Also I live in 4th floor that I can't see the whole town. By the way I live with my family. My brother is the only one that I can talk with. He knows me very well, and helps me a lot with lots of stuffs, such as mathematic problem. I'm happy even though I'm surrounded by apartments forests. 

     Finally, I will compare me and Tola. I live in an apartment. It looks clean and since lots of Koreans live in apartments, it's actually really good. But listening to his story, his country is very poor that the apartment systems are bad. And his family couldn't afford him studying but I do. He can see lots of thing up his house but all I can see is just apartments. He has a job but I'm a student, I don't have any job. Lastly he lives with his pals, but I live with my family, so I'm happy with that.

     What I like about his life and his personality is that first of all, he tries his best, and think of their family before himself. The reason that I thought about it is because of what he said. He said that he got paid about a dollar at first but he is proud of his job. Also he quit studying because his family was too poor. And I liked that he can see his whole village from the top of his building. All I can see is a boring apartment but he can see what's going on outside everyday!

     I hope that one day, I can success what I liked about him. Thank you

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Game Review Black ops *THE LAST GAME REVIEW*

     Finally, as I said it's time to talk about Black Ops. I've seen lots of this game preview and lots of reviews. Also the game maker company was Treyarch which made Call of duty 5 world war so I thought it would be cool, because Call of duty was the only popular game in the company. It's kind of sad though.

     However, before I begin, let me talk about the company Treyarch first. There are only 2 companies that's aloud to make a video game Call Of Duty. One is Infinity ward and the other one is Treyarch just like I said. Treyarch is a good company but the problem is that it's a bit too violence for children to play. If you play single mode, you can see every parts of body chops off. And it's not like " Ew... my arm fell off." It seriously look real. you can even see it's bone sticking out... Gross. Some people don't like that but some does. That's why it't like that. Well whatever, now I'm going to tlak about Real Fantastic, amazing, super awesome Black ops. Black ops is sweet even though it's kinda gross... You will see why I'm saying this.

     I told you before, Call Of Duty exist for scenario. I couldn't finish the whole game because my brother erased it since I needed about 10 gigabyte but I'm not saying that I've never played it so don't worry. The story was good. For example I will tell you a first campaign mode.

     The game begins, you are in a jail. There are only Russians except for you. You are an American. The prisoner plans to escape. You are coming with them. You have to go out of the jail. So finally somehow, you and a main character dude escape. We each drive a motorcycle and hold winchesters.You have to kill the guys who follows you. Few minutes later, you can see the train. You jumped on it but your pal doesn't join you. He says " Freedom is yours not mine." 

     This was the summery of the first mission. How did you like it? It's just like a tiny piece of this game.

     So, now I'm going to introduce you multi-play. Graphic is not as much different compared to Modern Warfare 2. The best thing in this multi-player mode is that there is ... so that you can change what you want your character to be look like. For example, you can change your guy's hair, make up, coat, pant, hat. And, you can spray thing on it's gun so, if you want to, you can make it look cool.

     Lastly I will tell you just few weapons, and what you get by doing kill streak.

       Ballstic Knife
     The BALLISTIC KNIFE is an automatic knife with a detachable blade that can be shot from the handle. It's a one-hit kill, if it hits. The knife can be picked up, loaded back into the handle and used again.

       Cross Bow

     The CROSSBOW can fire different types of bolts. Normal bolts are silent and kill with one shot, explosive bolts on the other hand stick to their target for a few seconds before exploding.


     AUG is a machine gun. It can fire really fast and it's one of the best gun in COD Black ops. You can add stuffs, such as a grenade launcher, red dot, flamethrower.


     Some people confuse this gun as AK- 47 but it's not true. It classified as a light machine gun, so that's why. Since it's a light machine gun, you can't attach stuff like grenade launcher. All you can attach is scops. (RED DOT, ACOG SIGHT... etc) 

     In conclude, I really liked this game, and you really should try, if you can convince your parents. Bye and I hope you to have fun with it. Thank you

Below is a single mode mission. I didn't have enough time to put a good one so I hope you understand.



Friday, January 21, 2011

Writing in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Person Narratives

  Before I start, I'm just going to remind you that this story is not real.  

  First Person's view
      Today, I got up at 8: 30. I was so late for my advisor time !!! I was so embarrassed that I came out of the dorm with no jumper on. When I realize how cold it was and came back to my room, it was locked. When I looked at my phone to see what time it was and it was 8: 50. I was so doomed. When I arrived at the class, Mr.Urban was so mad he gave me 2 yellow cards. I didn't feel so good after that, so I decided to escape from this camp. When I was just about to go, my classmates calmed me down. Because of what they've done for me, I changed my mind. I'm staying!

   Second Person's view
     Today, you found 20 dollars bill on the way home after the lunch. You picked it up as soon as you found it. You were so happy, because with that money, you can buy a game program that you wanted. You ran as fast as you could. Because you really wanted that game. Few minutes later, you were finally arrived. So You bought the game program and quickle came back to your house. You were so lucky, no one else were home. You would've got killed by your mom if she noticed about the 20 dollars. You were playing computer game, 

     when your mom came back from grossery shopping. She didn't ask you where you got the game from. But she told me, that she has lost 20 dollars, which was for your birthday present. You felt gilty about what you had done and became one of the honest guy in the whole entire world. 

   Third Person's view
     Today was the day that Kevin promised his friend Thomas to hang out together. Kevin waited for over 30 minutes, but Jay didn't come. Kevin eventually got angry about Thomas not coming and went back home. So, Kevin had to watch a horror movie alone. But just befor the movie was ending the door bell rang. It was Thomas. Kevin was mad but he opened the door for you. "OH MY GOD." Kevin screamed right after when he saw Thomas. half of his body was missing. Thomas got a car accident while he was coming, and he had to drag himself with his arm because his leg was chopped off, that's why he was so late!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Game Review. 2

     As I said before, I will talk about Call of Duty as well as Battle Field. Before explaining about Call of Duty, I will tell you how I first found this game.

     I was grade 4 when I first played Call of Duty, I bought a Nintendo D.S chip and the game was in there. I wondered what game it was but few minutes later, I found that it's a Fps game and it's called C.O.D (I will simply just say C: call O: of D: duty because it's long :p) The second time I found COD after the Nintendo, is when I found this game on my Wii. I was so happy seeing that. For the last, when I saw it is when I was in Canada. In Canada, this game was the most popular game. Everyone had this game. I played it there a lot with my friends, but they were so good that I always got killed.

     So I think it's enough with the introduction so now what I'm going to do is to show you what CALL OF DUTY is!

     There are lots of serious, 
Call of duty 1, Call of duty 2, Call of duty 3
Call of duty 4 modern warfare 1, Call of duty 5 World at war, Call of duty modern warfare 2, and for the last, Call of duty 7 Black ops.

     From Call of duty 1,2,3,5 is about the Second World War, and Modern warfare 1,2 and Black ops is about modern war, as the name tells you. Call of duty first came out in 2003 and the newest version Black ops was out on November 9, 2010.  The one that I want to talk about is Modern warfares 2 and Black ops if I have enough time.

     Call of duty is the most addictive Fps. Especially it has really good single mode missions, such as protecting the White House. If you play this game, you can see the characters talking like it's real. All the emotions they do looks, feels like I'm seeing the real thing !   

     The strength of Call OF Duty is that it's got really good graphic and cool reloading scene. And, it has good graphic as I said,but the most cool thing is that the infinity ward, the game company made it some how, so that the  people who has an old computer can play on it too. So don't worry if even you have a bad computer, you can still play.

     This was the end of my speech, I hope you enjoyed it and if you have played this game before, comment please. And I'm going to do the game review about Black ops next time. Thank you !


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Game Review. 1

     There are 2 popular Fps game in the world. One is Battle field Bad Company, in the picture and the other one is Call of Duty. And today, I'm going to talk about Battle field Bad Company 2. 

     I first knew it when I was in Canada, so maybe a year ago. My brother told me about this game through the phone call. At first I thought this game would be really boring and not cool, but when I played it after coming back from Canada, it was awesome. I will tell you why.

     If you play Battle field. You can see that you can break every single object. For example like building. you can make hole or blow it up by using RPG, grenade launcher, or tank, etc. And the cool thing is that the house could collapse if you keep fires at the building with some explosion. You can't do those stuffs in other Fps games such as Sudden attack.    
    Also, you can ride any vehicle you want to ride, such as Black hawk( helicopter). The thing is that you can kill them with weapons on the vehicle but the most amazing thing is that you can kill enemies by driving over them. I think it's really cool like it feels like it's real.

     Oh... I only told you about the strength. There is a small problem with that game. It has really good quality so when you play on your computer it might not work if your computer is old. And if you play single player mode, you will find out how bad the game scenario is.

     However long story short. My conclusion is that this game is really good and fun. So I recommend you this game if you are interested. And remember what I said, it won't work on your old computer. 

*Below I put a video. It's not the best one but I couldn't find any good one so...