Tuesday, January 11, 2011

S.A.T Style Reflective Essay - "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

     After watching this movie, I really liked how the monk teaches the boy. The monk did what my parents did last time. 

     The last time my brother did not respect me as a brother. He called me "Half" which means that I'm small, and he bothered me when I was doing my homework. I said stop but as you guessed he did not. I was really mad with his behavier and that's when my parents heard my brother teezing me. Mom said "It's not nice thing to teeze the other with their phsycal feedback, especially to your brother." Then she told me that I was aloud to to do what he has done to me, untill he says I'm sorry. Well... he said sorry right after she was done talking, because my brother doesn't like being called as his nickname "Small eyes"

     The thing that I was trying to tell you is that it worked out really amazing, after the punishment my brother hasn't called me as "Half" so far. I'm sure that what my mom did that time was more clear than saying "you shouldn't do that."

     I learned a valuable lesson with this viedo and I'm sure my classmates felt the same too.The valuable lesson is to treat the other as you want to be treated. Also I'm thinking of telling the other who acts like what my brother had done, about this story so that they could feel how the other would've felt when they teezed and how they shouldn't repeat this from happening again.

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